All papers: 25.5


  • Brainerd Dispatch— Includes daily local and regional news, sports, obituaries, reader photo galleries, forums, legal notices and classifieds. Archive covers from April 1996.
  • MN / Crow Wing County / Brainerd (Pop. 13,465)
  • Circulation: 7,592 | Site rank: 136,395 | CMS:
  • In print: 1881 | Online: 1996 | Owner:
PageSpeed Insights average and article results (3 articles: 2020-04)
Mean 2,196.0 284.7 4.8 MB 18.4 38.3 4.7
LIVE: Minnesota health officials provide update on state's response to COVID-19
2,1643095.1 MB18.839.66
Biz Buzz: Prairie Bay seeks off-sale liquor license
2,1952614.5 MB18.937.84
Facing $3B loss, Mayo Clinic announces payroll, spending cuts for remainder of 2020
2,2292844.7 MB17.637.54