All papers: 25.5


  • Corpus Christi Caller-Times— Daily newspaper for Corpus Christi, South Texas and the Coastal Bend.
  • TX / Nueces County / Corpus Christi (Pop. 325,733)
  • Circulation: 26,280 | Site rank: 201,342 | CMS:
  • In print: 1883 | Online: 1996 | Owner:
PageSpeed Insights average and article results (3 articles: 2020-04)
Mean 7,067.0 585.3 4.5 MB 11.4 38.9 6.0
COVID-19 cases up another notch leading into Easter weekend
9,0456424.6 MB12.740.76
Yes, that Caller-Times photo of people at a Corpus Christi beach was real.
6,5575304.7 MB1137.66
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: Texans are coming together to help during coronavirus outbreak
5,5995844.2 MB10.538.46