All papers: 25.5


  • The Columbus Telegram— Online version of the local newspaper which has delivered news and shopping information to east-central Nebraska since 1879. Offers the same information and news as the hard copy printed version.
  • NE / Platte County / Columbus (Pop. 23,123)
  • Circulation: 5,865 | Site rank: 304,612 | CMS:
  • In print: 1879 | Online: 1998 | Owner:
PageSpeed Insights average and article results (3 articles: 2020-04)
Mean 1,650.0 494.3 11.4 MB 11.2 32.1 10.3
Industry scrambles to stop fatal bird flu in South Carolina
1,7674452.9 MB10.729.110
LNE soccer coach who had interesting start to coaching hired for new coaching job
1,91258828.6 MB12.538.310
Watch: Gov. Ricketts gives daily coronavirus updates
1,2714502.8 MB10.528.911