All papers: 25.5


  • The Crowley Post-Signal— The Crowley Post Signal, established in 1886, sits in the heart of Acadia Parish in Crowley, Louisiana, as the only daily newspaper in its agriculture-rich parish.
  • LA / Acadia Parish / Crowley (Pop. 12,691)
  • Circulation: 4,476 | Site rank: 7,888,533 | CMS:
  • In print: 1885 | Online: 1998 | Owner:
PageSpeed Insights average and article results (3 articles: 2020-04)
Mean 669.7 106.3 1.4 MB 8.9 13.5 10.7
Rayne City Council to hold zoom meeting April 13
6651161.6 MB9.4149
Benno Joseph Leonards
6761021.3 MB8.613.212
Pandemic contributing to higher-than-normal flu activity in Louisiana
6681011.3 MB8.813.211