All papers: 25.5


  • The Logan Banner— Daily news, sports and features from Logan, Boone, Lincoln and Mingo counties. Includes subscription and advertising information and announcements.
  • WV / Logan County / Logan (Pop. 1,539)
  • Circulation: 9,579 | Site rank: 1,676,068 | CMS:
  • In print: 1888 | Online: 2000 | Owner:
PageSpeed Insights average and article results (3 articles: 2020-04)
Mean 1,412.7 165.0 2.3 MB 7.7 19.7 22.0
SWVCTC 3-D printing face masks for PPE effort
1,3391742.5 MB7.821.720
SWVCTC announces interviews with presidential candidate finalists
1,5611662.3 MB8.319.422
Prevention Coalition holding food giveaways during COVID-19 crisis
1,3381552.1 MB7.118.124