All papers: 25.5


  • Lubbock Avalanche-Journal— Covering news and events in Lubbock, Texas, the South Plains and Eastern New Mexico
  • TX / Lubbock County / Lubbock (Pop. 255,885)
  • Circulation: 25,014 | Site rank: 218,544 | CMS:
  • In print: 1900 | Online: 1996 | Owner:
PageSpeed Insights average and article results (3 articles: 2020-04)
Mean 1,207.3 708.3 12.6 MB 24.9 72.5 17.0
Good, clean fun: Lubbock parks open and important, but at a distance
1,40061411.0 MB22.465.315
Rare look at stockpile handouts shows which states got ventilators, masks amid coronavirus
97373712.6 MB27.778.217
Surgeon General Jerome Adams says 'most of the country' will not be able to open by May 1
1,24977414.3 MB24.674.119