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  • The Marshall Democrat-News— Provides headline news, classifieds, obituaries and sports. Subscribe for daily delivery.
  • MO / Saline County / Marshall (Pop. 12,318)
  • Circulation: 8,586 | Site rank: 2,534,414 | CMS:
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PageSpeed Insights average and article results (3 articles: 2020-04)
Mean 698.3 155.3 1.8 MB 5.5 12.8 56.0
Blog: Returning to the Capitol (4/10/20) - The Marshall Democrat-News
36633435.0 KB4.26.275
Local News: Democrat-News temporarily suspends Monday editions (4/10/20) - The Marshall Democrat-News
8912283.5 MB7.919.934
Fitzgibbon Hospital launches new method to connect patients to caregivers amidst COVID-19 concerns - The Marshall Democrat-News
8382051.6 MB4.312.259