All papers: 25.5


  • Abilene Reporter-News— Local daily newspaper. Includes classified ads, archives, comics, sports and local, national, and international news.
  • TX / Taylor County / Abilene (Pop. 117,362)
  • Circulation: 10,926 | Site rank: 324,240 | CMS:
  • In print: 1881 | Online: 1998 | Owner:
PageSpeed Insights average and article results (3 articles: 2020-04)
Mean 4,711.0 566.0 3.5 MB 11.3 34.9 6.7
COVID-19 updates: Patients in Brown, Mitchell counties have recovered
6,3086023.9 MB1239.76
Abilene Christian choir goes virtual with 500-voice hymn ahead of Easter
2,5635913.4 MB12.934.24
Abilene hairstylist organizes Easter scavenger hunt, without leaving your car
5,2625053.1 MB8.930.810