All papers: 25.5


  • Santa Cruz Sentinel— Local, state and national news, plus sports, business, politics, lifestyle and entertainment guides. Columnists, archives and classifieds, and details on advertising and subscriptions.
  • CA / Santa Cruz County / Scotts Valley (Pop. 11,945)
  • Circulation: 22,448 | Site rank: 129,476 | CMS:
  • In print: 1856 | Online: 1999 | Owner:
PageSpeed Insights average and article results (3 articles: 2020-04)
Mean 1,270.7 564.7 23.3 MB 15.2 49.7 13.3
Hotline newsletter: Pac-12 schools reportedly have spent more than $100 million buying out coaches in the last 15 years
1,20859719.0 MB13.146.114
Setting it Straight | April 10, 2020
1,22656522.2 MB13.953.113
Photos: Ex-Raiders player sells Oakland Hills home
1,37853228.8 MB18.55013