All papers: 25.5


  • The Monitor— The Largest and leading Newspaper in South Texas, McAllen, Mission, Edinburg, Mexico - Rio Grande Valley
  • TX / Hidalgo County / McAllen (Pop. 143,433)
  • Circulation: 20,822 | Site rank: 204,277 | CMS:
  • In print: 1909 | Online: 1996 | Owner:
PageSpeed Insights average and article results (3 articles: 2020-04)
Mean 496.7 127.0 2.6 MB 7.0 14.3 35.7
Strong storms headed to South Texas
4781221.2 MB6.312.238
McAllen school bus driver makes face masks for co-workers
5211365.2 MB8.918.826
Officials push Census 2020 count
4911231.2 MB5.711.943